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Gratitude and Parenting in Today's World


Friday, October 13 // 9:30am PDT

Enhanced Well-Being

Gratitude and appreciation positively impact mental and emotional health, fostering happiness and reducing stress by shifting focus to life's positives.

Motivation and Resilience

Gratitude motivates individuals to set and pursue goals while providing resilience in challenging times by helping them find lessons in adversity.

Stronger Relationships

Expressing gratitude strengthens bonds by making others feel valued and fostering trust, benefiting both personal and professional connections.


Kathy Fester, Relationship Strategist, Speaker & Author

Kathy is co-founder of the Gratitude and Appreciation Summit International. It is her life’s mission to help make this world become a kinder place to live, one person at a time. How do you receive Gratitude? Why is this important in your business and personal life. Join the chat and learn some scientific research around this topic and how it works for you in your personal and business life

What People are Saying...

"I have a small team of 3 people and we were struggling to get things done. After implementing what I learned on the webinar, we started doing the work of 30!"

Richard Kane

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